
#02 Venus Leung - Yoga, Fitness, Life, Motivation, and Positive Influence

Ben Hau, Gary To Episode 2

Hey peeps! It’s been a while. This past month or so, we have been busy with another project that we have, and I have neglected this podcast for a bit. But! As things on the other side get on track, I’m super happy that I could return to spending time on editing the podcast.

“時間, 同錢, 我會揀時間”

For our second episode, we have Venus. She is a yoga coach and fitness instructor who loves her job, enjoys her life, and gives everyone around her a positive vibe and influence. She will inspire you to find the job you love, live the life you want to live, and to understand the person you are today. Please enjoy.

Follow Venus:
Instagram: @yoga_coach_venus


Venus擁有一份很精彩,很豐富的職業 - 她是一位健身教練、瑜珈教練、催眠治療師、和生命導師。她的使命是要為身邊的人帶來正面的影響。來一起發掘她對工作和生命的動力究竟從何而來。

- 如何尋找和建立特別而有意義的工作?
- 工作與人生的關係
- 您喜愛您的工作嗎?究竟工作的動力來自那裡?
- 在工作中很感恩地建立到亦師亦友的關係
- 自由工作者面對的挑戰
- 把興趣變成工作適合嗎?
- 為什麼人要尋求改變?
- 您喜歡自己為自己的人生寫劇本嗎?如何發掘機會、選擇和熱愛的事?
- 原生家庭對我們的影響


Remember to follow us on Instagram: @furtherance.life

Follow Ben:
Instagram: @ben.h.au
Twitter: @BenHauSurgery
Website: benhau.com

Follow Gary:
Instagram: @garyto.life
Facebook: @garytocoach
Website: garyto.life
Gary's music studio: Music Essence



Easy Lemon (30 second) by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3695-easy-lemon-30-second-
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

Easy Lemon (60 second) by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3696-easy-lemon-60-second-
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

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