
#01 Flora Cheung - 「能人所不能」謙卑和堅持帶來的成就和動力

Ben Hau, Gary To Episode 1

Hi peeps! We’re very excited to announce the official launch of our podcast. Our very first guest is Flora Cheung. We had a very inspiring and fulfilling conversation. We hope you enjoy this podcast as much as we enjoyed the conversation.

“只要有行動, 先會有結果. 如果你知道自己能力可以做到, 就做啦即刻"

Flora is a regional manager at a multinational garment group, an avid church choir member, and a mentor to many. She is committed to lifelong learning. She has been studying psychology and behavioural science, and is keen to apply what she have learnt to her workplace. We talked about adaptations and work ethics under COVID-19, her ideal life outside of work, and her dream of living in Maastricht, the Netherlands.


Flora Cheung 由第一份平平無奇的職業,經過了多年的努力、思考和發掘,到今天成為一個跨國企的管理層。究竟當中經過了什麼歷練,堅持著什麼信念,可以達到今天的成就呢?除了工作有關的知識,她怎樣發掘學習的機會,去突破自己的能力、製造自己貢獻社會和幫助別人的機會?
-  怎樣由「玩具廠」女工做到企業的區域經理?
-  由本來不善讀書到「讀很多書」的推動力
-  廣泛學習的重要性和實踐
-  「行為學」的概念
-  與時並重的管理概念?
-  行動力的重要
-  工作以外的生活
-  喜愛在圖書館流連?
-  想在荷蘭小鎮開店和做導遊?
-  Flora 對我們的鼓勵


Remember to follow us on Instagram: @furtherance.life

Follow Ben:
Instagram: @ben.h.au
Twitter: @BenHauSurgery
Website: benhau.com

Follow Gary:
Instagram: @garyto.life
Facebook: @garytocoach
Website: garyto.life
Gary's music studio: Music Essence


Easy Lemon (30 second) by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3695-easy-lemon-30-second-
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

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